Dear softers & ballers last Season we deeply devoted to support of the events & event organizers all around Europe and we are committed to continue to act in this way also for next season. In this way we make better experience for players and also we are battle testing our devices for future updates and upgrades.
Side effect of this were the gazillion of ideas that we collected through last two years.
Some of them have been presented already on Events on Poland Germany Slovakia and Austria.
Part of them will undergo their first premiere in the field this year.
We cant let down on the players and therefore the quality, survivability of our first product lines is already making next level game experience all around Europe from Portugal to Slovakia , from Croatia to Poland.
This Year the Dominator Line already received the last upgrades and is already in E-shop with final HW&SW Patches.....
See you on presentation of our future products or on you local event.
Best regards your ActionBit Team